(voices) Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Jason Lee
Director: Brad Bird
Disney, Pixar
Rated PG
I can't recall a superhero who was married (I was never a comic book reader so I may be wrong). So when Brad Bird had the idea for a whole family of superheroes, the idea was surprisingly original.
In a world (this should sound like Don LaFontaine in your head too) where superheroes have become more of a burden than a blessing, they have been forced into hiding, leading normal mundane lives while fighting their do-good urges. One such superhero is Mr. Incredible (alias Bob Parr) who, after marrying Elastigirl, hangs up his super suite and raises their three kids in suburbia. But Bob is made an offer Mr. Incredible can't refuse. Coming out of retirement for a secret mission on a remote island, Mr. Incredible is bested by a new rival - a former admirer named Buddy that has become the super-villain Syndrome.
Most superheroes work alone and it is a common plot device for a hero's loved ones to be exploited as vulnerabilities. Love is never a weakness but an asset. And working with others is God's will. Romans 12 and Ephesians 4 talk about Christians being one body with many members, all doing different things but for one purpose. And we are also commanded to "love one another." As the poet John Donne put it "No man is an island" (note the name of Syndrome's island is "Nomanisan (No-man-is-an) Island"). Perhaps if Mr. Incredible had accepted young Buddy's friendship years ago and mentored him, not only would he not find himself in peril on this day, but maybe he and "Incredi-Boy" would have made a good team.
Syndrome (foolishly monologuing as villains tend to do) reveals his evil plan is to eventually sell inventions that would enable everyone to be a superhero. "And when everyone is super, no one will be." But Mrs. Incredible (aka Elastigirl) and her stowaway kids come to rescue Bob, their true strength realized in each other and working together.
Only when we realize our weaknesses can we fully lean on God and others. And when no one is super, then everyone will be.
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